I’ve quietly been releasing minor updates to SQL 4 CDS over the past few weeks, so I thought it was time to do a blog post for an “update roll up”
Security Debugger 1.0.2 Released
Thanks to the feedback from Arjun Musuvathy I’ve just released version 1.0.2 of my Security Debugger tool for XrmToolBox. Install it free from the XrmToolBox tool store!
OptionSet Labels in Power BI Reports
If you’ve tried reporting on your Dataverse / Dynamics 365 data using Power BI, you’ll probably have noticed you don’t get the labels associated with any optionset (now “Choice”) fields in your data. There are ways around this such as using the PowerBI OptionSet Assistant solution. In this post I’ll Continue Reading
TDS Endpoint Time Zone Change
A change has been rolling out recently to the Dataverse TDS Endpoint that affects how date/time values are returned, which should give your queries better performance but may mean you’ve got to do a bit more work to ensure the values are shown as your users expect.
MSDyn365 Internals: Paging Gotchas
I’ve recently been looking at a few cases where I’ve got seemingly incorrect results from my FetchXML queries. This can manifest itself as the results limited to 50,000 records or records being skipped. I’ve narrowed these down to some behaviour I wasn’t aware of when you retrieve multiple pages of Continue Reading
Security Debugger Tool Released!
Have you ever been confronted with a permissions error message full of detailed but incomprehensible codes? Something like: Check out my latest XrmToolBox tool, Security Debugger! Install it now so it’s ready next time you hit a security error. Simply paste in the error message and it will: highlight the Continue Reading
Efficient Bulk Dataverse Updates with SQL
If you need to make bulk updates to your Dataverse or Dynamics 365 data, maybe to fix data quality problems or restructure your data, you may be exporting your data to Excel, making your changes and re-importing it. Or you may be considering setting up a more complex data pipeline Continue Reading
SQL 4 CDS 4.0.1 Released
I’m pleased to announce SQL 4 CDS 4.0.1 for working with your Dataverse data in SQL. This includes a number of improvements to SQL language support, error reporting and SSMS support.
PCF Usage Inspector 1.2.1 Released
I’m pleased to announce the release of PCF Usage Inspector v1.2.1 for XrmToolBox today. This release adds some key new functionality to let you make sure you’re using PCF controls consistently across your environments. If you’ve just developed or imported a great new PCF control, PCF Usage Inspector can help Continue Reading
Using Dates from TDS Endpoint in Power BI Charts
As part of migrating some dashboards to Power BI using the TDS Endpoint I hit a problem getting a chart to show correctly. I needed to show invoices with the values grouped by month. This is simple in a standard Dynamics chart, and when importing the data into Power BI. Continue Reading