If you’ve tried reporting on your Dataverse / Dynamics 365 data using Power BI, you’ll probably have noticed you don’t get the labels associated with any optionset (now “Choice”) fields in your data. There are ways around this such as using the PowerBI OptionSet Assistant solution. In this post I’ll Continue Reading
Using Dates from TDS Endpoint in Power BI Charts
As part of migrating some dashboards to Power BI using the TDS Endpoint I hit a problem getting a chart to show correctly. I needed to show invoices with the values grouped by month. This is simple in a standard Dynamics chart, and when importing the data into Power BI. Continue Reading
Combining data with Azure Data Factory
You can often add more value to your data by combining it with other sources to produce an enriched data set. By keeping large reference datasets out of the main Dataverse database you can dramatically reduce storage costs. You can then combine them as needed using Azure Data Factory.
Visualising CDM Data with Power BI
In my last post I loaded some data from Excel into Azure Data Lake and stored it in the Common Data Model format. Now I want to present that data using Power BI.
Loading Data into Azure Data Lake
Last time I showed how to create a data lake, but how do you get data into it? What format should you store it in?
Exploring the Data Lake
In the world of data technologies, you’ll probably see data lakes appearing more and more often. I’d like to take a closer look at the Azure Data Lake and how it works with the wider Azure data ecosystem.
Picking the right data technology
I’ve been studying lately for the Azure Data Engineer Associate certification, and the main point of one of the exams (DP-201 – Designing an Azure Data Solution) is all about picking the data platform(s) that best meet the requirements. Having used SQL Server for many years it’s a simple trap Continue Reading
Blood Glucose Alerts with Microsoft Flow and Nightscout
As my son has Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), we use Nightscout to keep track of his blood glucose levels. With T1D it’s important to keep those levels in quite a tight range, so we use a few different apps to alert us when it’s going out of range. As I’ve Continue Reading
Diagnosing Azure Batch Pool Scaling Timeout
As I wrote about recently, I’ve started using Azure Batch to run OpenAPS Autotune jobs for AutotuneWeb. The other day however, I started a job of my own and got a notification that my job was 48th in the queue. Either the service has suddenly got really popular, or something’s Continue Reading