So far we’ve looked at using the <attribute> and <link-entity> elements to control what columns to include in your query, but for a truly useful query you’ll likely want to select which rows to include instead of taking everything. Enter <filter>!
Inside FetchXML pt 2 – link-entity
To combine data from different records in your query you need to use the <link-entity> element. This is equivalent to a join in SQL.
Inside FetchXML pt 1 – attribute
As promised, I’m starting a series of blog posts covering various aspects of FetchXML and the humble <attribute> element seems like a good place to start.
SQL 4 CDS Update!
Firstly, thank you to everyone who’s shown an interest in my SQL 4 CDS XrmToolBox tool! I’ve been busy working on the difficult second release, and I’m pleased to announce version 1.0.3 is in the new Tool Library today!
Query CDS with SQL!
If you’re anything like me you probably find querying the data in CDS a pain, either using the Advanced Find interface or writing FetchXml. Tools such as FetchXMLBuilder help a lot, but I still think about the query I want to write in good-old SQL and then have to translate Continue Reading
MSDyn365 Internals: Merge Permissions
The ability to merge records is a powerful one in keeping control of your data quality within PowerApps / D365. It can also be deceptively complex. As we’ve been living & breathing this area of the platform for several years during the development of data8 duplicare, we’ve seen a lot Continue Reading
MSDyn365 Internals: Plugin Execution Depth and v9
If you’ve been working with plugins in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for a while, you’ve probably come across the IExecutionContext.Depth property. This tells your plugin how deep in a call stack of plugins it is. A depth of 1 means it is being triggered by a direct user action, e.g. updating Continue Reading
Blood Glucose Alerts with Microsoft Flow and Nightscout
As my son has Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), we use Nightscout to keep track of his blood glucose levels. With T1D it’s important to keep those levels in quite a tight range, so we use a few different apps to alert us when it’s going out of range. As I’ve Continue Reading
MSDyn365 Internals: QualifyLead
One thing I love digging into with Microsoft Dynamics 365 is all the “special” actions. Although just about any entity type can be used with Create, Update, Retrieve etc., there are a lot of other actions that do more specialised jobs, and QualifyLead is a great one of these.
Handling RetrieveMultiple Paging
When you use the RetrieveMultiple method to query data from D365 CE, it’s easy to take the results and assume that’s everything, especially when you’re working with small test data sets.