You can ensure your query only produces each row once using the distinct attribute. For example, if you have multiple entries for the same company name you can get the list of unique names using:

<fetch distinct="true">
  <entity name="account">
    <attribute name="name" />

This option gets applied automatically whenever you create a query using Advanced Find. This is particularly useful when you add a join onto a related child entity. For example, this query:

  <entity name="account">
    <attribute name="name" />
    <link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" link-type="inner">
        <condition attribute="firstname" operator="eq" value="Mark" />

The intent here is to get a list of accounts that have a contact called Mark. However, if an account has two Marks, that account will be in the resulting list twice. Adding the distinct attribute makes sure the user gets what they were probably expecting, which is a list of unique accounts.

Unique Identifiers

One other interesting side effect of using distinct is that you no longer get the primary key of the entity back automatically. If you run the query:

  <entity name="account">
    <attribute name="name" />

As well as getting the account name back, you’ll also automatically get the accountid as well.

When you apply distinct, this goes away. This makes sense if you think about it. Imagine you have two accounts with the same name. If the accountid was automatically included, that would make the records unique. You would still get two rows back from your query, regardless of whether or not you used distinct.

If the purpose of using distinct is to eliminate duplicate rows introduced by a join onto a child entity as shown above though, you probably do want to get a row back for each of your top-level entity type. In that case you will need to explicitly include the primary key attribute in your query, e.g.

<fetch distinct="true">
  <entity name="account">
    <attribute name="accountid" />
    <attribute name="name" />
    <link-entity name="contact" from="parentcustomerid" to="accountid" link-type="inner">
        <condition attribute="firstname" operator="eq" value="Mark" />


One “gotcha” to be aware of. Any text values will be truncated to 2,000 characters before the distinct operation is applied. If you have longer values, e.g. descriptions or the contents of attachments in the annotation entity, any extra data after the first 2,000 characters will be lost.

Quite why this would be is a bit of a mystery. My best guess is that these fields used to be stored in a SQL Server ntext field which couldn’t be used in a SELECT DISTINCT query, so to work around this problem Dynamics CRM would cast these values to an nvarchar(2000) value which could be used instead. You can see this in the generated SQL:

<fetch distinct="true" top="10">
  <entity name="annotation">
    <attribute name="documentbody" />
 DISTINCT  top 10  cast( "annotation0".DocumentBody as varchar(2000) ) as "documentbody" 
 AnnotationBase as "annotation0"

As these columns are now stored using an nvarchar(max) field which can be used directly in a SELECT DISTINCT query I guess this behaviour is still in place for backwards compatibility reasons, although it does give about a 35% performance improvement:

SQL Equivalent

Apart from this once caveat of long text fields, this is directly equivalent to the SQL DISTINCT keyword.

8 thoughts on “Inside FetchXML pt 9 – distinct”

  1. This is a great series that pulls together everything that you’d want to know about FetchXML. I only occasionally need to use FetchXML, and I have this bookmarked at the ready when I do.

    I tried to use distinct in the following query but get a “Key property ‘cra44_timeentriesid’ of type ‘Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.cra44_timeentries’ is null. Key properties cannot have null values.” error.

    A bit of searching shows this is just what happens when you use distinct inside the Flow Dataverse connector which is a real shame. Doesn’t look like there are any quick fixes.

    1. I can’t see your query in the comment unfortunately. Do you have the cra44_timeentriesid attribute as part of your query? My guess is the Power Automate connector is assuming the primary key attribute will always be present and fails if it’s missing or using a different alias. Not very helpful if you’re trying to use distinct or aggregate queries I agree. My best suggestion would be to open a support case with Microsoft to try to raise the visibility of the problem.

  2. Can I use distinct on only one returned attribute. For example, I want to return all unique account names but also have the city column which should not be used in the distinct operation.

  3. Hi, thanks for this great post! Is it suppose to works with link-type=”outer” ? Because with this fetch, I have duplicate values of cic_disponibilitesid.

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