A bit of a mouthful of a title! I had a great time earlier today presenting at my first ever virtual event, D365UG UK. Many thanks to the organising team for a smoothly run event!
My topic today was using a variety of free tools to unearth some data quality issues in your CRM installation that you may be unaware of, and some suggestions on common causes and possible resolutions.
The tools I used were:
- Advanced Find
- FetchXML Builder
- Data Export Validation Tool
Those last three are all free XrmToolBox tools, so head over to the tool store to install them today.
The slides are available on the D365UG UK forum, but I also promised to share the script that you can run in SQL 4 CDS to check many of the common scenarios we looked at. Many of these could also be run in either Advanced Find or FetchXML Builder if you prefer.
-- Accounts assigned to inactive users select a.name from account a inner join systemuser u on a.owninguser = u.systemuserid where a.statecode = 0 and u.isdisabled = 1 -- Accounts with a disabled primary contact select a.name from account a inner join contact c on a.primarycontactid = c.contactid where a.statecode = 0 and c.statecode = 1 -- Accounts with a primary contact that isn't part of the account select a.name from account a inner join contact c on a.primarycontactid = c.contactid where a.statecode = 0 and (c.parentcustomerid is null or c.parentcustomerid <> a.accountid) -- Contacts with the same firstname and lastname select contactid, firstname, lastname from contact where statecode = 0 and firstname = lastname -- Contacts with the same lastname and email address select contactid, firstname, lastname from contact where statecode = 0 and lastname = emailaddress1 -- Common firstnames select firstname, count(*) from contact where statecode = 0 and firstname is not null group by firstname order by count(*) desc -- Common lastnames select lastname, count(*) from contact where statecode = 0 and lastname is not null group by lastname order by count(*) desc -- Contacts with a parent contact select c1.contactid, c1.firstname, c1.lastname from contact c1 inner join contact parent on c1.parentcustomerid = parent.contactid where c1.statecode = 0 -- Orphaned contacts select contactid, firstname, lastname from contact where statecode = 0 and parentcustomerid is null -- Active contacts in inactive accounts select contactid, firstname, lastname, account.name from contact inner join account on contact.parentcustomerid = account.accountid where contact.statecode = 0 and account.statecode = 1