Last time I looked at aggregates, but unforgivably I missed out how to apply grouping to date/time attributes:
Not to forget – data grouping….! 😉
— Jonas #LazyDev Rapp ᴹᴠᴾ 🇸🇪 (@rappen) December 18, 2019
Grouping works quite simply for data types such as text, picklist or lookup values, but a simple grouping of date/time values wouldn’t work very usefully. They are stored with second (or in some cases, millisecond) precision, so in most cases no two records will have exactly the same value and each record will end up in its own group.
More typically you’ll want to group records that have a value in the same day or month to generate summary charts or reports, and that’s exactly what FetchXML does for you using the dategrouping
<fetch aggregate="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="createdon" alias="month" groupby="true" dategrouping="month" /> <attribute name="contactid" alias="occurrences" aggregate="count" /> <filter> <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" /> </filter> <order alias="occurrences" descending="true" /> </entity> </fetch>
This example will get the number of contacts created each month.
Available Groupings
Date/time values can be grouped by:
- day
- week
- month
- quarter
- year
- fiscal period
- fiscal year
If you are grouping by a date/time column, you must use one of these groupings. You can’t group by the raw date/time value – if you try you’ll get the error Invalid value '' for dategrouping
You’ll notice that there’s no support for anything more precise than a day – you can’t group by hours for example. If you have a need for that you’ll need to retrieve each individual record and implement your own grouping logic.
When you group by day/week/month/quarter, you get the appropriate day/week/month/quarter number. For example, when grouping by month you get a month number 1 – 12. Note that this means records in the same month from different years will be included in the same month. If this isn’t the behaviour you want, e.g. you want to keep January 2019 separate from January 2020, you need to include a separate grouping by year as well:
<fetch aggregate="true"> <entity name="contact"> <attribute name="createdon" alias="year" groupby="true" dategrouping="year" /> <attribute name="createdon" alias="month" groupby="true" dategrouping="month" /> <attribute name="contactid" alias="occurrences" aggregate="count" /> <filter> <condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" /> </filter> <order alias="occurrences" descending="true" /> </entity> </fetch>
For week grouping you get a number 1 – 53, quarter is 1 – 4 and day is 1 – 31.
SQL Equivalents
These date/time grouping options are equivalent to using the DATEPART
function in SQL:
SELECT DATEPART(month, createdon) AS month, count(*) AS count FROM contact GROUP BY DATEPART(month, createdon)
There’s no direct SQL equivalent for the fiscal period / year grouping options as these are application specific. However, in SQL 4 CDS I’ve extended the DATEPART function to allow fiscalperiod
or fiscalyear
to be specified as the part type name parameter.
You’ll need SQL 4 CDS 1.0.5 (which I should be releasing soon) or later to use the DATEPART function.
Hi, very nice article, really helped me. A question I have is, if I need to group by DAY, it’s all clear and it works. What if I need to include the actual DATE in the resultset? From what I understand, I cannot do it unless there’s another trick?
For example, if I group by DAY, I get DAY (integer) as part of the resultset. But I also need to see the entire DATE. I understand I can group by DAY, MONTH, YEAR and then put them all together to get the actual DATE, but that would require a 2nd step. Is it possible to do it all in 1 step?
Best regards,
No, there is no shortcut to this that I know of – you’ll need to include the separate day, month and year groupings and recombine them yourself to form the date.
You can use the MIN aggregate on the date field to get the date if you have already grouped by DAY
Smart! Saved the day. I was going to combine. For my scenario, using and aggregation function like MIX or MAX on the date field does not change the desired output.
Hi Mark,
Your blogs have been very helpful!
I am grouping results by month and year as well as location. How can count = 0 be returned when I have no records in a month and year with location “A”?
For example:
1-2021, Location: Seattle, Count: 189
1-2021, Location: New York, Count: 122
2-2021, Location: Seattle, Count: 200
2-2021, Location: New York, Count: 0
New York as no records in February 2021 and so that row doesn’t come back from the query. I tried using countcolumn but that didn’t help either!
Thank you!
It’s only possible to include results that actually exist in your database, so it’s not possible to do this directly. Your main two options are either to insert the missing values after you have run the query, or insert a phantom record for each location and each month to ensure there is some data for the query to work with. You’d then also have to change the “count” to “sum” and select a number column that is set to 1 for all of your “real” records and 0 for the phantom ones.
please show how you would retrieve the date grouping in c# code using the alias, i’m getting 01/01/0001 when i try to retrieve it.
in order to use the groupby dategrouping year/month/day values in your code, you must retrieve each as an Int32 and then put the 3 parts back together to get the date.
See this article for more info:
If I want to do my GROUP BY condition,
For example, I want to group into 3 groups only, and not according to the existing options
I want groups by:
less than 24 hours
More than 24 hours and less than 48 hours
more than 48 hours,
Is there a way for me to do this?
Thank you
Unfortunately not – you can’t build any sort of calculations like this into Fetch XML.
You reduced 4-5 hours into 15 minutes. Thank you very much!